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Monday, April 21, 2008

Faststone capture --no free

最後的紀念:FastStone Capture 5.3 免費版到此為止


CyberNet 看到了 FastStone 廣受好評的螢幕擷圖軟體 FastStone Capture 將在5.4 版以後,轉為需要付費註冊的共享軟體。和當初 WinSnap 轉為商業版的理由類似,就是為了提供對於 Vista 更好的支援,以及加入更多特效功能。FastStone Capture 受到喜愛的兩個最重要的原因,應該是支援長網頁的擷取方便美觀的圖片加註功能,基本的架構有點像我之前介紹過的PicPcik, 但是 PicPcik 的優點是它是一款綠色小巧的軟體,而 FastStone Capture 則提供了更漂亮的教學圖片製作工具、更方便的懸浮工作列、和實用的捲軸視窗擷取功能。FastStone Caprure 5.3 目前仍然是一個具有豐富功能的軟體,所以你可以選擇不要升級到商業的版本。


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hitted by virus ...

Only Panda on line scan supports Firefox, others require IE

BitDefend only one can be installed after infected machine.

Services can not be created ...


Device Manager Lost

re: Empty Device Manager

"The issue is security permissions in the registry. I cannot tell how they are lost
but I can tell you how to fix it short of having to re-install Windows!

You must use regedt32.exe in Windows 2000/XP (as I have not seen this problem posted
for any other operating system). Be very carefull making changes in the regisrty!

You must be logged on as a local administrator to perform this task:

1. Go to "Start", "Run", and enter "regedt32"
2. Maximize the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" window.
3. Scroll down to "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum"
4. With "Enum" selected click the "Security", "Permissions" menu.

Note: At this point you will probably notice there are no permissions on this key.

5. Click "Add".
6. Add the group "Everyone" and the user "SYSTEM".
7. Select "Everyone" and check "Read" ONLY!
8. Select "SYSTEM" and check "Full Control".
9. Click the "Advanced" button at the bottom of the window.
10. On the Advanced window check "Reset permissions on all child objects..."
11. Click "OK"
12. On the warning window click "Yes"
13. Close REGEDT32

You should now be able to see everything in Device Manager, Network Places Properties,
and Printers."

Blank window filled -and printers were back