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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

27 langages spell checker on line

  • Spell check in 27 languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Čeština, Dansk, Deutsch, ελληνικά, English, Español, Eesti keel, Français, עִבְרִית, हिंदी, Hrvatski, Italiano, Latviešu, Lietuvių, kalba, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenščina, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe and РУССКИЙ!
  • It partially uses the Google spell checker and Aspell. Probably the best spell checkers around!
  • The code is free, you can use it in your own web applications.
  • Your privacy is taken importantly - no text is logged.
  • In the future you may need to spell check some text, why not bookmark this service?
After check you may get hints to correct them!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

ftp gmail box


  最新版本突破了10M的文件大小限制和文件类型限制。可上传.exe .dll .zip等文件。





Gmail File Space
43 K
Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
broken link above

firefox should bellow 1.6 above 1.5 only





  可以上传.exe .dll .zip文件。

Maxthon: C's hip browser

Web surfers in China frustrated by censorship in search engines are increasingly turning to a little-known Internet browser with a big following in the Middle Kingdom.

Maxthon, a browser made by a tiny Beijing company of the same name, has attracted millions of users in China for functionality that can funnel traffic through a Web proxy and circumvent government controls on information in search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other popular sites or Internet service providers in that country.

From China, the browser has caught on in Europe, and now somewhat in the United States thanks to an appearance with Microsoft at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this year--though it's still largely unknown stateside. So far, about 60 million people have downloaded the browser since its launch in 2003. According to Maxthon research, about 14 percent of the Chinese Web population has used the browser and 17 percent employs it for Web search.

"It's exploding there," said Netanel Jacobsson, a Maxthon senior vice president and partner who's based in Israel.

Of course, Maxthon does not promote the proxy feature openly--it's merely a shortcut that has spread virally among Chinese Web surfers. People who download the browser must be fairly technically savvy to activate it, but according to Jacobsson, various bulletin boards in Chinese instruct people how to do it.

"The capability is there for people who know," Jacobsson said in a recent interview with CNET

In fact, Maxthon executives and investors downplay the feature for obvious reasons. Web censorship in China has become a hot-button issue as U.S companies such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have entered the market and complied with the communist regime's standards to restrict thousands of Web sites from public access. Yahoo has even turned over information on dissidents to the Chinese government. The search giants' practices in the country have come under fire by everyone from free-speech advocates to the U.S. government.

Still, Maxthon has a grassroots following for other reasons. It includes filters to zap all Web ads, including pop-ups--a valuable feature for the typically cluttered environments of Chinese Web pages. It's highly customizable with hundreds of "skins," and it includes tabbed browsing, baked-in RSS detection and readers, and remote-file access in partnership with software company Avvenu. It also has a development platform for plug-ins that inspires hundreds of techies to create add-ons for the browser.

Maxthon gaining fans fast
This summer, Maxthon will release a new version, Maxthon 2.0, that will include parallel browsing, similar to the picture-in-picture feature on TVs, in which surfers can browse several sites in parallel. They'll also be able to copy and paste text from one page to another without switching screens. The future of Maxthon is allowing people to customize it into their own information portal, Jacobsson said.

Maxthon's millions of fans and rising popularity point to the fact--yet again--that innovation in the Web browser market is not dead, nor is it ignored, despite a seeming end long ago to the browser wars, said analysts.

Though Microsoft's Internet Explorer has close to 60 percent share in the United States browser market, according to Forrester Research, and as much as 85 percent globally, according to various estimates, there's still plenty of fight left in the browser market.

As Michael Gartenberg, a veteran browser analyst and vice president of research at Jupiter Media, put it: "It's the most important space that no one really cares about."

In the last year, Firefox, Netscape's legacy, made inroads on IE's dominance, drawing more than 130 million downloads in less than two years. Opera, Netscape, Flock and Apple Computer's Safari have lured strong followings of their own, but none enough to overthrow IE. Firefox's threat and popularity has spurred a recommitment from Microsoft, however, with its introduction of IE 7.

"The browser wars continue, yet these days they're more border skirmishes than global conflict because there's just no money to be made selling the browser," Gartenberg said.

Some tech investors say people shouldn't forget that the browser is fundamental to the future of the Internet, giving people better access to information on the Web and the desktop if done right.

"The advent of broadband, and technologies like AJAX and RSS are redefining the role of the browser from a dumb reader to a single point of customization for users," said William Tai, a venture capitalist with Charles River Ventures and an investor in Maxthon.

"The first click is the browser, it's the instrument panel to the Web," he added.

Still, most of the money to be made on Web browsers today is through search advertisements. Firefox, for example, makes money on fees from search ads from Google, which is its default search engine.

Within China, Maxthon's default search function is served by Baidu, one of the biggest services in that country. Outside of China, Yahoo and power its search features.

Maxthon turned a profit beginning in 2004. Roughly 80 percent of its revenue comes from search-related ads, collected from partners.

Despite not seeking funding, the company took on an investor, Charles River Ventures, in recent months. That deal was largely because of great interest on the part of Tai, according to both Tai and Jacobsson. The investment adds to early funding from Morten Lund, a seed investor in Skype. The company plans to use venture funding to add to its development team of about 15 in Beijing.

Still, a plus and minus for Maxthon is its rendering engine, which is actually Internet Explorer. Maxthon is built on top of the IE engine, removing it from direct competition with the software giant. Executives say that lets it add value to the browser through features like tabbed and parallel browsing. But that can be a double-edged sword, too, turning off people who dislike Microsoft.

"We make them look good," he said. He added that Maxthon has tweaked IE to make it faster, and people can choose to render Maxthon with Gecko, Mozilla's original underlying engine.

"Browsers are very much like a car," said Jacobsson. "Most people don't care what engine is inside, (they) choose which type fits, with the right shape and color."

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Lightweight Visual Thesaurus

The Lightweight Visual Thesaurus requires Firefox 1.5+. Be warned that this application can be CPU intensive, use at your own risk.

Just type in a word you would like to see synonyms for. You will see a map from that word (in center) to its definitions (the green circles) to the synonyms (outer words) that share these definitions. Mouse over the green circles to view definitions, drag the circles around to reorganize the map, and double-click the synonyms to view their maps.

Send feedback to Dave Hoover at Enjoy!

The Visual Thesaurus is a dictionary and thesaurus with an intuitive interface that encourages exploration and learning. Available in both a Desktop Edition and an Online Edition, the Visual Thesaurus is a marvelous way to improve your vocabulary and your understanding of the English language.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

site html tag graph

Websites as graphs

Everyday, we look at dozens of websites. The structure of these websites is defined in HTML, the lingua franca for publishing information on the web. Your browser's job is to render the HTML according to the specs (most of the time, at least). You can look at the code behind any website by selecting the "View source" tab somewhere in your browser's menu.

HTML consists of so-called tags, like the A tag for links, IMG tag for images and so on. Since tags are nested in other tags, they are arranged in a hierarchical manner, and that hierarchy can be represented as a graph. I've written a little app that visualizes such a graph, and here are some screenshots of websites that I often look at.

I've used some color to indicate the most used tags in the following way:

blue: for links (the A tag)
red: for tables (TABLE, TR and TD tags)
green: for the DIV tag
violet: for images (the IMG tag)
yellow: for forms (FORM, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and OPTION tags)
orange: for linebreaks and blockquotes (BR, P, and BLOCKQUOTE tags)
black: the HTML tag, the root node
gray: all other tags

Here I post a couple of screenshots, and I plan to make the app available as an applet, so that anybody can look at their websites in a new way.

Update: Here it is:


Phylotaxis is an exploration of the space where science meets culture.

Its structure, derived from the Fibonacci Sequence and closely related to the Golden Ratio, is one of nature's most elegant. The Fibonacci Sequence is the set of numbers where each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. This simple sequence governs phenomena as diverse as the petal arrangement of roses, the breeding patterns of rabbits, and the shape of our galaxy. It is also evident in the design of the Great Pyramids, the composition of the Mona Lisa, and the construction of Stradivarius violins.

Related to the Fibonacci Sequence, Phylotaxis (Phyllos - leaf, Taxis - order) is the study of the ordered position of leaves on a plant stem, and also applies to the shape of pinecones, and the dispersion of seeds on the flat head of a sunflower. Seed has chosen this shape to represent the perfect synthesis of science and culture.

"Phylotaxis", created for Seed by artist Jonathan Harris, illustrates the delicate balance between science and culture in our world.

Without the randomness of culture, science becomes dry and predictable, imprisoned in a strict square grid. Without the rational thinking of science, culture quickly teeters towards chaos. Only when science and culture act as peers can harmony be achieved, expressed through the astonishing Phylotaxis shape.

The individual beads of the Phylotaxis represent an ever-changing zeitgeist of science news in our world, populated automatically every few hours by a computer program that scours a slew of online news sources and blogs that focus on science. The Phylotaxis is therefore beyond human control, autonomously composing its own new identity, based on what's happening in the world of science.

The miniature Phylotaxis atop this page is the Seed insignia, quivering slightly with Brownian motion, its color composition changing every few hours, each dot taking on the average color of its corresponding Phylotaxis photograph. In this way, the identity of Seed constantly reflects the identity of science.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Start second life with a good video card

Try it in IBM ThinkCentre S51- lookat the following picture

update drivers automatically
