Soft gadget

Free software and free web resource. Workplace, vitual office and social software links

Monday, November 28, 2005

writely -almost online word than white board

Writely could upload current word doc and text, even open office format.

Writely permits less 2mb image file insert to the "document".

Online doc can be download to windows word file with little problem on size of image. Without any problem for Chinese language support now.

White board is used by 37 singnal on Packit and BaseCamp which only allow user to link web images.

cPanelx endabled free host with php + mysql

Maplehut is
Very fast and stable.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

video format codes at all=ace mega codecs Pack

This is the lastest and greatest release of famous ACE Mega CoDecS Pack. In this codec pack you will find plenty of usefull CoDecS (CoderS/DeCoderS), Media Player FilterS, Media Players and other UtilitieS. Also I added Authoring ToolS for video watchning, audio and video processing. In Add-On Pack you can found Authoring ToolS for content creation. ACE Mega CoDecS Pack uses a brand new filter ... [ read more about ACE Mega CoDecS Pack >> ]

Free windows dotnet Paint


Paint.NET is designed to be accessible and simple for most users while still allowing powerful and sophisticated operations to be performed on an image.

  • Simple, intuitive user interface

    Every feature and user interface element was designed to be immediately intuitive and/or quickly learnable without assistance. Also designed to be immediately familiar to users of Paint and Photoshop.

  • Free and Open Source

    Paint.NET is provided for no cost, and with generous licensing terms. The source code, written mostly in C#, is also available. You may wish to download this for educational or other purposes.

  • Layers

    This allows you to compose one complete image from a stack of other images that are blended together.

  • Unlimited History

    Every action you take on an image is recorded in the History window, and is only limited by available disk space and memory.

  • Support for many popular file formats

    The following file formats are supported: PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, TGA, and TIFF. The native Paint.NET image type is PDN which preserves layering.

  • Effects and Adjustments

    You can apply many special effects to your image, and support for image adjustments is also possible.

  • Tablet PC Support

    The Paintbrush supports the Tablet PC's pressure-sensitivity feature, allowing you to draw in a more natural and artistic manner.

  • Extensibility

    Paint.NET supports plugins that add new effects, adjustments, and file format support.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

fireANT : vlog rss aggregator

List directory chanels to subscribe without organized categary.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

python apache module

this link to chinese explaination for mod_python for apache

(如果你知道Mod_perl和FastCGI你就会明白。看看mod_python的官方数据:Performance Some very quick tests showed a very apparent performance increase: Platform: 300Mhz Pentium MMX (Sony Vaio PCG-505TR), FreeBSD Program: A script that first imported the standard library cgi module, then output a single word "Hello!". Measuring tool: ab (included with apache), 1000 requests. Standard CGI: 5 requests/s Cgihandler: 40 requests/s As a handler: 140 requests/s


(--网上并没有Apache与Mod_python整合的资料--所以fei自己动手并参考Mod_python的文档-总结出这篇文章--希望对大家有所帮助。 我使用的版本是Apache1.3.26,Python2.2.1,Mod_python2.7.8,平台redhat7.2(下载都可到ftp://在安装过程中还真遇到了不少麻烦-并不象以往Aache模块那么好装,虽然最后解决了--但还真是值得一写的。
1。先装好Apache1.3.26----正常装--可支持DSO,加上--enable-shared=max就行。--这步没什么好说的--不过Apache2.0还不支持,1.3也最好是1.3.20以上。如果你想把mod_python做为静态模块也是可以的--见后面。 2。装Python,这里要注意--最好不要使用线程,因为Apache1.3还不怎么支持线程。如果用了的话后来起动
Apache时会说Cannot load /root/apache1326/libexec/ into server: /root/apache1326/libexec/ undefined symbol: pthread_sigmask--我是用Python源码装的--configure时加上了--without-threads选项,然后make,make install,最后最好设一下PATH和PYTHONPATH环境变量-使得python能被找到-否则如果Mod_python找不到库的话会有很多错误。这里要切记。 3。装Mod_python,这里先configure--注意有三个重要选项。--with-apxs找到apxs以生成DSO模块,--with-apache=这步就是用于生成静态模块了,在make后用make install_static生成,然后./configure --activate-module=src/modules/python/libpython.a-和PHP的安装方式差不多。不过我们一般还是用DSO方式,--with-python这步如果你按我说的设了环境变量的话就不用加了。configure后就make,注意make后要make install_py_lib,否则起Apache时会说undefined symbol:openpty,这步我想了很久。然后make install.

4.配Apache,加上LoadModule python_module libexec/

????AddModule mod_python.c,

AddHandler python-program .py
PythonHandler mptest PythonDebug On

AddHandler python-program .py
PythonHandler mptest PythonDebug On

from mod_python import apache
def handler(req):
req.write("Hello World!")
return apache.OK
last three lines
一定要小心缩进--否则会产生异常!然后访问test/mptest.py如果看到Hello World! 那就恭喜你大功告成了! 如果在安装过程有未知问题,对于mod_python更详细的用法和说明可见

php5 + mysql problem solutions

windows XP+Apache+PHP5+MySQL的安装与配置方法在Windows下自己建网站是一件挺不错的事情。由于开源软件的火爆,Apache+php+MySQL成为许多人的首选。可是相比Windows自带的IIS,对于第一次建站的人来说,这些软件复杂的配置往往成为阻碍新手的绊脚石,往往需要阅读大量文档。所以结合自己的经验总结了一个基本的建站步骤。希望对大家有用。 1. 分别下载Apache(、php(和MySQL(。 2. 安装MySQL,装好后按照向导进行配置。如果需要用到Fulltext search,将数据库类型设为non transactional。字符集最好设置为标准,即latin1(并不影响中文数据的存储),以免日后转换数据时引起不必要的麻烦。

3. 安装Apache,设置好域名,邮箱,修改httpd.conf里的DocumentRoot和 为网站根路径。注意路径中的斜杠均用正斜杠“/”。

4. 将php5的打包文件解压缩到c:\php下,并将c:\php添加至系统的环境变量path。

5. 将php.ini-recommended更名php.ini并用记事本打开。将其中的extension_dir修改为"c:/php/ext/"。找到;extension=php_mysql.dll一行,将前面的分号(注释)去掉(如果需要用到php的其他模块,也请将相应模块的注释去掉)

In addition to installing MySQL etc. I had to do this to get MySQL to work:1. Make sure that you have a valid php.ini in your windows directory.OR (Per the tut the 'php.ini' can be installed in the 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2' folder. This works fine.)

2. copy libmysql.dll to the system32 directory (php_mysql.dll would not load without doing this)3. set the extension_dir in php.ini to the ext directory of your PHP installation directory (like e.g. extension_dir=C:\php5\ext)

4. enable the MySQL extension in php.ini by uncommenting the line extension=php_mysql.dll 5. Restart Apache Server

6. 在httpd.conf里的适当位置添加如下语句

LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
# configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir "C:/php"

在DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var后面添加 index.php 7.(可选)在httpd.conf中,将CustomLog "logs/access.log" common修改为CustomLog "bin/rotatelogs.exe -l C:/Progra~1/Apache~1/Apache2/logs/access%Y-%m-%d.log 86400" common这一步的目的是让网站访问日志每天轮转生成新文件,以免文件过大。

8.启动Apache。 9.(可选) 新建phpinfo.php文件,输入并在浏览器中打开,可以检查目前配置的详细信息。

Ruby on Rails Vs PHP on WASP

How fast to build a simple blog? 10 times than java or ruby? who knows who cares

What is WASP?
WASP is a powerful web application framework built on PHP 5. WASP strives to allow web developers to make great applications with more fun and less code, but in the familiar playground of PHP.
Why use WASP?
WASP was written from the ground up in pure Object Oriented PHP5. WASP fully utilizes all of the enhancements made to PHP in version 5.
This means you use less code to create enterprise class applications. This isn't your hacker's PHP.
Is WASP ready to be used?
WASP is already being used in a number of in-production solutions developed by PangoMedia.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

This is a test post from flock browser

Five ways to... get started

Getting off the ground with Flock (ayuck) isn't so hard. Really!

You just need to get a few things squared away and then you're off! To begin:

  1. ...get ready to share your favorite sites: go grab a account.
  2. ...get yourself a blog.
  3. Start blogging!
  4. Check out your history right from the search box.
  5. Forget old-school bookmarks. Meet Flock's Favorites.

New web browser for web 2.0?


Monday, November 07, 2005

Yackpack to connect group members-voice box alike

YackPack is a new way to stay connected with a group of friends, family, or work colleagues. YackPack is easier than email and it's more convenient than phone. YackPack conveys the nuances of spoken language, leading to better communication, stronger friendships, and more group unity.

Easy to use...

Proxy web

Using Coral as a client

You can try accessing other sites through CoralCDN right now! Just append to the hostname of any URL, and your request for that URL is automatically redirected to and handled by Coral. Try it out! To regularly use Coral as a client, rather than manually typing, consider installing one of our provided browser plugins. It's as simple as clicking a button.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

netvibes vs live

is simplic with writely enabled for web doc but not full chinese supported only display in html page.

Writely can save web doc to word format to local PC in English with ease.

From Nov. 28, 2005, Writely could upload doc file and insert less 2 mb images!

microsoft live is very simple too and can not apply its 2G mail so far.

Yahoo my web 2.0 with too many contents recommanded to let me choose which is my need.

Down greasemoney 0.6 from official blog

for firefox 1.5 but it could not be added new user scripts.

Current 0.53 version one can only applied firefox v 1.0-1.4!