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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Desktop search free and net drive also free

Aduna AutoFocus is a visual desktop search application, providing fast and accurate access to all your personal information sources such as your files, mails and favourite websites.With the Cluster Map visualization it features an innovative way of presenting search results, giving you overview of and insight into the available information and providing continuous hints for further exploration.Use it in combination with the free Aduna Metadata Server to transparently blend desktop and enterprise search, resulting in a single point of access to all your relevant information sources.

For me I have tried for other desktop search tools before I like yahoo + ava find so far.
AutoFocus is java based program running index very slow but it is easy to setup and operate to look for network drives your mapping. You may search A: B: C: D: E: F: G:.....

Yahoo : free but only your local hard disks
Coveo: not totally free
Google: visual effect is not acceptable
Msn tool bar: performance not good at my desktop
Ava find: only file name not content

Email search capablity is weak.


At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did you find the MSN option slow on your machine? Did you try the latest version on ? It works great for me with no perf issues.

At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note that Copernic Desktop Search is free, and has been rated the best by CNET, Slate, PC World,, University of Wisconsin E-Business Consortium, and others. Coveo OEM's Copernic Desktop Search, and adds enterprise specific features including a tight integration to Coveo Enterprise Search (released last year).

Note that enterprises don't prefer free software, as they like to call someone when something goes wrong, have a say in product direction, and want the software vendor to stay in business to avoid switching costs/etc. For-profit software vendors have a motive to keep their products top-notch (free products don't have that incentive).

Enterprises do not let desktop search clients crawl network drives, as it is extremely inefficient. Imagine 100, 1000, or 10,000 employees all crawling the same file server--huge network overhead, and overload on the file server.



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